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Posts tagged “Rift

Bor Plays Rift……..Again

After having a little disagreement with LOTRO I started subscribing to Trion Worlds Rift.  I hadn’t played Rift in quite a while ( from the alpha and beta to be exact) and I must say that a lot of the changes made seem to be wholly for the better.  Being this is only the second MMO that I have ever subscribed to you would think that I say better just because it is different.  But I do have a few other MMOs to pull from.  I have to say on the whole I think that Trion is a company that has it almost completely figured out.  From small things like aoe looting to larger things like world events it is like they themselves still remember what it is like to be a gamer.  I have been playing Rift since mid to late December and I have leveled 1 character to level 40 and multiple other to 20 or better.  And the only major issue I have is fining groups for dungeons or group quests, most of which is my fault for not using the chat system.  I have mostly just used the LFG option in Rift which seems to be underutilized or just not enough people know how or want to use it.  Otherwise I feel that it has been a very solid and enjoyable experience.

I truly believe the given unlimited resources the people over at Trion could make a true WOW contender, although I still contend that WOW is more of an anomaly than the goal that people make it to be.  Due to timing and a story in a world that was familiar to a large sum of people was the main cause of Blizzard’s success.  Now to get back on the rails I know that people believe that any development team can make a great game with unlimited resources, I do not believe that to be the case.  I am not saying the Trion team is infallible but they do seem to get more right than wrong.  I know that in the MMO world there is no pleasing everyone but it does seem they come pretty close.

I know that this is usually when I start pointing out the issues with whatever I am writing about. In this case however I really don’t have much to say.  The only real problems are just the typical MMO issues.  Most of which normally caused by the players themselves.  I will issue a final thought to go along with my former article about Rift.  Rift is a solid game and quite enjoyable, by no means could it be a WOW killer.  After playing for this short time I will say that I don’t believe at this time the game needs to be free to play by any means.  Save that my original thoughts on Rift still remain the same.

So thanks for reading if you have any thoughts leave them below or email me at and also try Rift out for yourself here levels 1-20 for free and then let me know how you feel.  Until next time ~ Bor

Rift: Planes of Telara

Rift 2After many Betas of Rift I can safely say that it is a decently solid game. There is a lot of polish on many features of the game. Some big things done well and even some little things that really make a lot of sense. Is it a WOW killer?
