MMOs and more

Bor of Nimrodel

Lord of the Rings Online : Rise of Isengard : Tusks of the Boar

This is a battleground type instance that we tested during the closed beta remember this is in the beta and may be very subject to change or even removal.

Remember this is Beta and subject to Change.

Any comments or questions leave them below or email me at I’ll see you next time ~ Bor

Dual Boxing Experiment

Dual Box ExperimentSo the other Day I decided to try out Dual Boxing in LOTRO.  After some trial and error I was able to get it working using the Lavish Software currently I am only running 2 accounts but I believe you can go as high as 5.  You may ask why would you want to dual box?  Well there are quite a few answers to this question but my answer is mostly to make it a different gaming experience.  I am sure you have seen the videos on you tube of the guy running 5 RKs or Hunters with every key mapped so all 5 characters do the same moves at the same time.  I have taken the approach of doing classes to support each other my first attempt is a Guardian and Rune-keeper combo.  As of right now I am unsure whether this was a good choice or not but I’ll let you know.  So far this has been quite fun although I am only at level 9 on my characters but so far I seem to be doing okay.  I believe this may be the way I play from now one but we shall see I still have some more tweaking to do and a lot of experimenting I’ll post my thoughts and suggestions and answers to any questions you may have about this also thanks for reading and I’ll see you in Middle-earth ~ Bor.

Gondor Awaits Podcast

Greetings all,

Just a quick post to let you guys know that the Podcast is archived over at Mordor or Bust.  For those who use Itunes and Zune to subscribe I do not believe the RSS feed will work anymore we are trying to tackle that problem but you can listen direct from the MoB site.  I do not know how long I am going to be gone from the game but I will continue to answer any questions that I can get you an answer for.  As to the emails I have outstanding I will get you the answers you want.  Thanks you for your support and I’ll see you in Middle-earth ~ Bor

Farewell for now…..

Farewell for now…..


Downtime 9/27/2010

This Monday 9/27 the LOTRO game servers will be down for the first patch since F2P launch please check out the release notes as to the changes. Until later see you in Middle-earth ~Bor

Original post by Sapience

The LOTRO Game Servers will be brought down on Monday, September 27 from 6:00AM – 10:00AM Eastern (-5 GMT) for an update to the game. (Click here) to read about the changes. Bullroarer will remain up and available during the downtime. Thanks for your patience, and we’ll see you back in the game soon!

Guardians……………………It is time to become Legendary

This week we are going to cover the steps required to finish your level fifty class quests. nThe first thing you will notice when you go to your class trainer at level 45 they will have a quest for you The Bravest Deed is Selfless.


And the winner is…………….

With 32% of the vote I will be leveling my Lore-master Ethelbor on Brandywine in the upcoming months.

Anyone on Brandywine keep an eye out for Ethelbor I wll update you on her progress at weekley intervals if possible. See you in Middle-earth ~ Bor

Calling all Minstrels

Hello all of you Minstrels out there, if any of you would like to be on my next episode email me at or send me a dm on twitter @theobor or @gondorawaits. I am looking for as many people as possible to give me your opinions on your beloved class. Don’t be shy let the world know what you think. Thanks in advance ~ Bor

Calling all Guardians

Attention all Guardians your time is running out to add to the discussion. Do you want a new Legacy that you don’t have now would you like one or 3 of your skills/traits updated or changed? would you like to see any changes to your set bonuses on your gear? If so let me know at or on twitter @theobor or @gondorawaits. you can also leave me a voicemail at +1(304)534-9BOR 9267. Tell me how you feel about your class what you love and what you think needs improved and let me tell the world. ~ Bor

Podcast ideas and suggestions


Hello everyone I just wanted to take a moment to thank those that have helped out with my previous episodes. At this time I would like to ask for more I have post written for all of my episodes through #9 all I am missing is your input. I need any of you that would like to put your opinion out there for others to hear let me know. To anyone interested this is what I am looking for your answers to the Tell the community team thread on the classes. You can submit your answers in writing or email me an MP3 at and they will be read on the show, or you can call me on Skype or leave a voicemail at +1(304)534-9BOR (9267) and I’ll play it on the show. If you want to call me on Skype you’ll need to add me to your contacts and let me know what time you are available my Skype ID is bor.nimrodel. I have already completed the show for Captains but if you have thoughts go ahead and share I would love to hear your thoughts. So go to the LOTRO forums and look at the tell the community team thread get your answers together and send them my way. If you have an opinion to add to this discussion I want to hear it. Even if you don’t have a level capped (insert class) it doesn’t matter as long as you feel like sharing. I will also be continuing this into the Monster classes as soon as I find out what questions they are going to be asking. I would also like to get your opinions as to what you would like to hear on the show email me any suggestions you may have. Here are the questions that I would like to cover and do not worry about keeping your answers short I want you to explain why you want the changes you suggest. Just answer the questions you feel comfortable answering and just let me know which class it is for so I can get it in the right episode. So if you love your class and you want to see it improved voice your opinion and help me let everyone know. I also need the information you want me to share i.e. character name, level and server again thank you all very much. Looking forward to hearing from you ~ Theobor


Turtle Raid 10 Hunters and 2 Captains

Today the Lords of the West put together a turtle raid using 10 hunters and 2 captains.  It was a very interesting experience for me having only run the turtle prior with your typical build.  But it was a blast once we got everything worked out I took us about 3:30 to down the beast. I hope to have the video on You Tube as soon as i figure out the playback quality issue.  Until then see you in game ~ Bor


Veneration’s project

LNPR – LOTRO New Player Relations is a proactive and reactive program to help new players (and old players on new servers/classes/characters) as they begin their own Hero’s story! Click the NPR logo for the rest of the story.

Once again into the breach

I have been play Lord of the Rings Online since the open beta and I find myself moving on to a third Kinship.  When I joined my first Kinship I didn’t really know what to expect or what I would gain or be burdened with.  The reason for this apprehension was that this is my first massively multiplayer online game there for the guild/kinship idea was new to me.  I soon found that it was a very helpful group of experienced players that I learned a great deal from they in fact encouraged me to create my second character we all know what that started.  Unfortunately as things do Peoples lives changed and the kinship weakened and we scattered across the server or disappeared entirely.  With the help of one of my kinmates I found a new Kinship and for nearly 3 years I have been a member.  Now too that has come to an end and now I find myself venturing into another LotRO Kinship probably not for the last time but while I am here I hope that I can complement them as much as I hope they will complement me. In closing I would like to thank any members of the Guardians of the White Tree that my still be on the server for all of the help you graciously bestowed on this noob.  To all the members remaining in the Gallant Few I hope you find what you need to carry on.  Lastly to the Lords of the West I hope to be either a very large or small piece to you group whichever is required at the time. Thanks to anyone that took the time to read this and see you in game.

Land of Alts

If anyone knows a good Kin that might accept a maroon like me that has a major alt problem let me know. of course I am speaking of the Landroval and Brandywine versions of my characters. The good news is I know the game well for I have been playing almost non-stop from the open beta around 3/28/07 I may not be able to help with a raid but I can offer some insight 🙂 Here is a list of my Alts on the servers Bors Alts thanks all.